I recently emailed the below to the cable network, TNT, as a plea to save SouthLAnd from cancellation. While I intend to write a blog about the show in an upcoming post, I thought I would share the below with you in the meantime. SouthLAnd continues to be one of my favorite (if not my absolute favorite) shows on TV. From the writing to the direction to the supreme performances by the entire cast, the show is simply amazing. If you haven't seen it yet, you can catch SouthLAnd on TNT every Wednesday at 10p/9p Central. You can also catch it online at http://www.tntdrama.com/series/southland/, or subscribe to it via Amazon or iTunes for a small fee. If you do watch the show and want to help us save it, please consider writing your own email to TNT at tnt@turner.com. You can find other ways to contact them courtesy of Deb's blog at http://debinky.tumblr.com/.
Without further adieu, below is my letter:
As you may (or may not) be aware, fans of your hit drama SouthLAnd have become increasingly concerned that their favorite show may be doomed for cancellation after their 5th season. Two of its stars have already accepted backup jobs, which have only raised viewers anxiety. There are several thousand fans (if not more) on Twitter who promote the show on their own weekly (if not daily) to help ensure people are aware that the show IS still on the air.
I am writing to you in hopes that you'll hear my plea. I have several friends across the country who, in fact, thought the show had been cancelled since it had been abruptly moved from it's normal Tuesday timeslot to Wednesday. This change was aggravated since there was very little promotion for the show's 5th season. Sadly, I did not know my friends thought the show was cancelled until a Facebook posting I did to promote the show after the 5th episode. I'm hoping it's not to late for them to spread the word to their friends.
SouthLAnd is and remains the BEST show on TNT. The acting is superb, and recognized by various critics on the web. Although I am sure you are aware of them, I have submitted several of these reviews for your consideration below my signature line. Please keep SouthLAnd on the air for another season, and I assure you the audience will be there (and will probably grow). Again, I think the only reason for the decline from Season 4 is the lack of promotion and change in time and is in no way a reflection of the show, the story, or its fantastic cast and crew. I hope you will consider renewing it in 2013-2014.
I appreciate your consideration, and thank you for taking the time to read this email.
Kind regards,
(Name removed for privacy reasons)
Southern California
One of many positive reviews on AfterElton.com:
PRISM Awards Nominations for SouthLAnd and Michael Cudlitz in 2013 (note M. Cudlitz, Ben McKenzie, and the show were also nominated in 2012):
Full list of other award nominations/wins can be found at IMBD:
Wall Street Journal Review (at bottom of link):
San Francisco Gate:
The Graveyard Shift (blog written by a cop):